Do you know your cyberSCORE?

Our cyberSCORE system will provide a concrete score for your business's technology.

Our cyberSCORE system covers the following topics in detail:

  • Infrastructure: We will evaluate your business's infrastructure, such as workstations and how well your servers are maintained.
  • Cybersecurity: Does your business have the cybersecurity prevention in place to prevent bad actors just infiltrating your systems? We'll check this too.
  • Compliance: More regulations are being put in place for business's, especially those that handle customer data. We will measure your business's compliance with these and more.
  • Backup & Disaster Recovery Do you have a backup program in place? Could your business quickly recover if a disaster struck? We'll find out.
  • Business Strategy Managing your technology doesn't just require technical no-how, it also requires business acumen and planning. We measure those in this section.

Following our questionnaire we will able to provide your business with a precise score that measures all of these areas.

At The End Of This Questionaire,
Two Things Will Happen:

We will give you the report, including your scorecard, so you can see how exactly your business is doing from a technology standpoint.

You can then use this scorecard and report to make necessary changes, or if your business is doing great you can show the report and/or just the scorecard to your clients and vendors. Clients these days want to know the business's they're interacting with are doing everything they can to keep their data safe. Vendors are looking to partner with bushiness's who aren't letting the ball drop on their end.

The report and score will give you an easy to read and understand idea of what's needed to comply with the recommended best practices. More and more regulations are being put in place and it's no longer enough to do the bare minimum when it comes to your technology. cyberSCORE is the system you need to stay ahead of the game.

Simply Fill Out The Form On This Page To Get Started!


I want to know my cyberSCORE!

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We like Valley Techlogic because… 1.Protection of our system has been the single biggest benefit to us. 2.The range of services that is offered to clients. 3.I would say that all they need to do is try the service and they will not be disappointed. The staff are very knowledgeable, helpful and friendly.

Ivy Dingle
Patients First Medical Center