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Cyber Security is a complex issue, so to help bring some clarity to it we have pulled together some of our best Cyber Security resources into the updated for 2023 Cyber Security Kit. This kit contains items you will not want to miss that we are positive will be an invaluable resource for your business, and the best part is it’s FREE.
It includes the following:
In addition to these free resources we’re also offering qualified businesses in the Central Valley a FREE Cyber Security Assessment. This can be conducted over the phone or via a virtual meeting, we will tell you specifically where your cyber security plan is lacking and help you with concrete steps on how to fix it.
The bottom line is this resource is something you don’t want to miss, and you can take advantage of any or all of our kit 100% for free. In these uncertain times Cyber Security is not something to be overlooked, bad actors are out there and at Valley Techlogic we are committed to stopping them in their tracks. Act today, before it’s too late.
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