The Extreme Side of RAAS (Ransomware As A Service)

When many people think ransomware they usually think on the small scale, someone’s email or computer being held hostage until a small sum is paid or an IT professional can assist with the problem (for the lucky ones).

Or perhaps you think of the major breaches where millions of accounts are leaked to the public, usually containing emails, phone numbers and other identifying information.

Top 10 Tips for Managing Your Social Media Presence

As a technology service provider, we don’t think it’s much of a leap to weigh in on the topic of social media, there are many technical aspects that come with managing your business’s presence on all the various social media platforms. You may be asking yourself if it’s worth the effort or which ones would be the best fit for your business – or even how to go about setting them up in the first place.

Cyber Security Training Is More Accessible Than You Think

It can be a hard pitch getting your employees to commit to cyber security training, and you yourself may wonder if it’s worth the time spent on it.

It’s a simple fact, when it comes to cyber security breaches humans are the weakest link. There is no software measure that can preempt the human element when it comes to bad actors getting into your business’s systems and accessing your sensitive data.

Your Information Was Leaked in a Major Breach, Now What?

In what seemed to be major news for only a brief period of time, over 500 million Facebook account details were leaked last week. The data included things like profile names, Facebook ID numbers, email addresses, and phone numbers. While this data may be online in other forms the combined data together makes it a treasure trove for phishers and scammers.

It’s Not Your Imagination, Ramsonware is On the Rise

We have talked about several major ransomware events over the past year, but these were far from unique. Ransomware and cyber security events have been on the rise lately and it’s been made abundantly apparent that NO ONE is immune to them.

From the yet to be officially validated Kia Motors attack, to the narrowly avoided disaster with a Florida Water Plant.