
Our Top 3 Picks for Password Managers

The topic of 2 factor authentication (2FA) comes up A LOT. You’re probably already aware a password manager is the easiest place to start and will even make using your devices more convenient. However, this space is so loaded with choices now you may not know where to start.

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DDoS Attack or Not? Yesterday’s Outage Left Many Systems Down for Hours

Yesterday, an outage stemming from T-Mobile left many major systems down. Affected websites included T-Mobile itself, Instagram, Comcast, Sprint and Chase Bank. Was it a massive DDoS attack or just a server misconfiguration as they’re claiming?

First, it’s probably a good idea to explain what a DDoS attack or Distributed Denial-of-Service attack is and what it aims to do.

Ransomware and Small Businesses: Why Some of Them Just Pay It


One of the biggest misconceptions among small business owners is that their company is too small to be the target of many cyber crime events – including ransomware. Statistically, this couldn’t be further from the truth.

In 2019 205,280 businesses submitted files that were victim to a ransomware attack, and 71% of those attacks were aimed at small to medium sized businesses.

Is Your Internet Provider Keeping You Safe?

In terms of internet security, we often think of what we as individuals can do, like good password security or not opening email attachments. Or what companies who hold our data can do, like notifying us of a breach or having their own measures in place to avoid one in the first place.